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Building a Business? Check Your Commercial Credit Score!

Commercial Credit Score: What It Is and Where to Find It? - Blog - The Credit Fix Doctor

Both personal and business development in the US is interlinked with having a good credit score. Did you know that, apart from your private credit records, you should also take care of your commercial credit score? Understanding the importance of a good business credit score is a major step to creating a successful company.

What Is a Commercial Credit Score?

Not just your private credit score, but also your commercial credit score is vitally important when building a business. Thus, before you start developing your firm, you should know a bit more about it.

A business credit score, like a consumer credit score, utilizes a firm’s credit history to create a number reflecting a company’s risk. This number, often known as a corporate credit score, forecasts the chances of a company’s on-time payments.

The three largest commercial score issuers are the following:

For example, Dun & Bradstreet scores contain a delinquency predictor score and a failure score. The first forecasts the chance of a bill being late, while the second predicts if a firm will close or declare bankruptcy in the following 12 months.

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How Credit Companies Calculate Your Business Credit Score?

Once you issue a credit report from one of the aforementioned credit bureaus, you might wonder, how your credit score is calculated. As a matter of fact, these reports are quite similar to your private credit calculations.

Credit bureaus collect a wide array of payment information about you and your business. These factors can include:

Taking all these indicators into consideration, credit companies create your commercial credit score. Check how high it is before you build your business empire but also take a sneak peek every once in a while just to keep control.

What Is a Good Commercial Credit Score?

The higher the better – that is the typical principle regarding credit score, however, it can sometimes be misleading. Therefore, we should keep an eye on how different credit bureaus describe what a good commercial credit score is.

Dun & Bradstreet

There are three separate scores that Dun & Bradstreet issues:


At Equifax, your business credit report will also indicate three distinct scores:


There are just two main indicators on an Experian commercial credit report:

Get Your Commercial Credit Score Now!

Do not hesitate if you are planning on opening a business – contact credit bureaus to get your commercial credit score. Check these credit reports for any inconsistencies to fix all mistakes unjustly lowering your score.

Good luck in your commercial endeavors!

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